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Mediation - http://www.macon-bibb.com/FHR/Mediation_20080228.htm
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FHR Reps:

Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 20:55
To: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: FHR Mediation Letter - CONFIDENTIAL

Dear Judge Beasley,

Yes, we agree that it is important to talk with you before formally responding. At the earliest, it will be Monday evening before all our Neighborhood Reps (NRs) can assemble in one place for that call.   We will try to confirm a time certain tomorrow after lunch.  

We are very disappointed with the County Representatives (CRs) response- "you won't go with our proposed changes, so we won't change anything".   Where is
the logic in that statement?  It is merely a threat, and we are all deeply offended by it. 

Can you provide any rationale for the CRs refusal to justify why Mr. Chellman’s plan, formulated on our behalf by Mr. Chellman, a highly regarded expert, is not acceptable under engineering laws and regulations in Georgia and is inferior to the CR’s plan?  Our engagement of Mr. Chellman’s services at substantial expense, and our willingness to propose significant compromises, was a show of good faith on our part.  Unfortunately, the CRs refuse to reciprocate, or to extend even the most basic professional courtesy to Mr. Chellman by discussing his plan.

We note that the CRs have admitted to using "actual raw counts" [ADT counts] from Mr Gawlas of MAAI (here)
for the 2007 traffic counts in their technical graphic reports: 
(This hand drawn graph on letterhead from "Sherman Concrete Pipe" is sloppy, inaccurate and erroneous.  Work like this would never pass a class test at Georgia Tech.)

The CRs have mixed raw ADTs  with GDOT's official AADTs in those reports.  This is like mixing apples with oranges. The CR's admission of this serious engineering error was accompanied by no explanation or apology.  We would like to extend to the CRs an opportunity to rectify their mistakes in these and other documents and projections.

Otherwise, this error (if deliberate) would constitute both engineering malpractice and fraud.

We again question whether the CRs ever entered the mediation process in good faith.  Their public statements at the beginning of the process indicated a  predetermination that they would not consider any compromise; they have been true to that promise.  Why did the County waste our time if there was no
intent to discuss reasonable alternatives that satisfied the needs of the motoring public and the neighborhood?

- FHR Reps

   April 22  2008
From: Holliday Dental
To: Dorothy Toth Beasley ; Holliday Dental
Cc: CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com ; shanberry@stratford.org ; FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu ; dmbx1@cox.net ; Donna Thompson ; Rick Chellman
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:17 PM
Subject: FHR Mediation Letter - Conference last night

Clarification in 3rd paragraph

Dear Judge Beasely,
Thank you for speaking with our group last night. 

We understand that you plan to call Van Etheridge on Wednesday.  In his last letter to us, Mr. Etheridge made a statement that begs for clarification. 

If MAAI (County Reps) are to remain (as Mr. Etheridge stated) "very firm on the need for 3-lanes", then please ask them to produce the minutes of any public participation meeting wherein the citizen stakeholders agreed to such a design.  The County Reps often claim to have public backing when they do not.  Susan Hanberry and Lindsay Holliday were "stakeholders" at these pro-forma meetings.  We can affirm that the "stakeholders" never agreed to 3 lanes. 

Thank-you again,
- FHR Reps


From: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
To: "Holliday Dental" <teeth@mindspring.com>
Cc: "Donna Thompson" <donna@henningmediation.com>
Subject: Re: FHR Mediation Letter - Conference last night

Thank you for responding and for taking my phone call in the midst of your busy day.  I have a call in to Van Etheridge and hope he can return it before end of day.  I've gone over my notes from our caucus on Monday evening to refresh what was said and what is to be conveyed, and also will convey the message in your e-mail.  I'll be back in touch with you all after I connect with him, so you can respond to County representatives' last-received reply.
Dorothy Toth Beasley

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:30

From: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
Date:  Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:30 Subject: Forest Hill Road Mediation

Dear Residents' Representatives:
I know you are anxious to learn the results of my phone discussion with Van Etheridge of MAAI.  I have now talked with him and expect he will get back to me by COB on Monday (April 28).  Then I will report to you.
Thank you for your patience and clear expression of your views again in our most recent phone session together.  
Best regards,
Dorothy Toth Beasley

Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:38

From: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
Subject: Forest Hill Road - Mediation - CONFIDENTIAL
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:38

Dear Residents' Representatives:
I have talked with Van Etheridge this morning and would like to convey his message orally, if it would be convenient for you to gather once more for a phone discussion.  I think there will be some questions which I will try to answer.  We are coming to the end of this, one way or the other, so I urge another measure of the patience you have exhibited thus far.
I am available this evening and Thursday and Friday evenings and would be happy to call you.  Best is after 8 pm but I can rearrange and make it earlier if that suits you better.
Dorothy Toth Beasley
404/256-3723 (I am away today from 11:00 to 4:30.)

Thu, 1 May 2008 10:49

From: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
To: <teeth@mindspring.com>,
Cc: "Donna Thompson" <donna@henningmediation.com>
Subject: Forest Hill Road project - Mediation - CONFIDENTIAL
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 10:49

Dear Residents' Representatives:
Thank you for gathering again last evening and devoting time to the mediation in which we are engaged.  I believe we are moving ahead.
To recap, I conveyed to you the offer of the County representatives, given to me in my phone conversation with Van Etheridge yesterday and following one of April 24:  To settle all issues, MAAI would redesign the portion of the road north of Wimbish to 2 lanes and would keep the 4-lane section south of Wimbish as designed.  In addition, turn lanes would be installed at as many intersections as feasible.  He thinks there are about 6.  If this will be acceptable, we have an agreement.   He understands that the major concerns of the citizens are safety, speed and access to adjacent properties (ingress and egress) and indicated that those are concerns of the County as well. 
I  know you have questions with respect to the features of the proposed redesign which you would wish answered before you accept the offer.  I suggest that you pose them in your response to the "Bibb County Representatives' Response to Citizens (4-10-08)" dated April 16.  So, for illustration, as was indicated last night: 
What would be the footprint (width)?
Will the sidewalks be on one side or on both sides, and if on only one side, which?
What would be the design speed?
Which intersections would have turning lanes?
These questions and/or others that would be important to you with respect to accepting the offer should be conveyed before the work of redesign is undertaken.  
Of course, if the offer is unacceptable as it stands now, that is, regardless of the features of a two-lane section north of Wimbish, then I will convey that to the County representatives.  
Kindly send your answer to me, to convey, by COB next Wednesday, May 7.  I think you agreed last night that you could have it by then.  Of course, if it is ready earlier, so much the better.  
Best regards,
Dorothy Toth Beasley




This webpage originates from some of the Mediators for the Friends of Forest Hill Road in Macon , Georgia.  It contains information which may be confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individuals or entity named above.  It is prohibited for anyone to disclose, copy, distribute, or use the contents of this webpage.  All personal messages are the express views of Concerned American Citizens and Taxpayers, and nothing here may be copied or distributed without their specific and individual permissions. 

If you reached this webpage or this message in error, please notify me immediately - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com> 478-742-8699 



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