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Mediation - http://www.macon-bibb.com/FHR/Mediation_20080228.htm
Mediation or Smoke-Screen? (here)


Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:45:55 -0400
To: "Virgil Adams" <vadams@ajtlaw.com>,"Tonya Davis" <tdavis@maai.net>,
 "Sherrie Sawyer" <ssawyer@co.bibb.ga.us>
From: Holliday Dental <teeth@mindspring.com>
Subject: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002
Cc: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>,<teeth@mindspring.com>,
 "Donna Thompson" <donna@henningmediation.com>

To - Bibb County and Road Improvement Program

Dear Sirs:

During the course of Mediation, a question has arisen concerning actions taken at a Forest Hill  Road "Stakeholders" meeting. 

Please consider this email an Open Records Request for the verbatim minutes of the Forest Hill Rd Stakeholders meeting of May 30th, 2002. 

Please email to us the minutes of that meeting.


- The FHR Neighborhood Representatives.

From: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
To: <teeth@mindspring.com>,
Cc: <tdavis@maai.net>,
        "Virgil Adams" <vadams@ajtlaw.com>,
        "Donna Thompson" <donna@henningmediation.com>
Subject: Fw: Requested document from Van Etheridge - CONFIDENTIAL
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 14:17

Dear Residents' Representatives:

Pursuant to my separate telephone conversations this morning with Mr.
Etheridge and Dr. Holliday, attached is a GDOT letter of November 8, 2002,
provided by Mr. Etheridge.  It indicates that it had been copied to him when
written. You will see that it documents modifications agreed upon by GDOT
and the Road Improvement Program as a result of the stakeholders meeting on
May 30, 2002.  That meeting is the subject of your May 16 request for "the
verbatim minutes," made to County Attorney Virgil Adams, Mr. Etheridge, and
Bibb County Engineering Department Executive Assistant Sherrie Sawyer.

To confirm, I am advised that a request for the document you seek has been
made, but it is not known when the document will be received so it can be
forwarded to you.   While we wait, and if the attached letter does not
answer your question, you may want to make a direct formal request to GDOT,
which would have to respond within the short legal time limit.

Because we must move along, the time for your response to the County
representatives' proposal of May 14 is extended from today, May 21, to the
COB of the third working day after you receive the requested document either
from the County representatives or from GDOT.  Please copy me and the County
representatives with your request to GDOT, if you make one, so we are all
aware of the timeline and that there would then be two requests at GDOT.

I'll be here all weekend if you wish to convene for a phone discussion.

Best wishes to all,

Dorothy Toth Beasley


From: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>
To: <teeth@mindspring.com>,
Cc: <tdavis@maai.net>,
        "Virgil Adams" <vadams@ajtlaw.com>,
        "Donna Thompson" <donna@henningmediation.com>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 18:03

Dear Residents' Representatives:

The County representatives have been able to obtain the agenda and "Notes"
of the May 30, 2002, meeting as made by the Certified Facilitator.  The
notes contain a log of stakeholder comments.  Hopefully, this and the GDOT
letter of November 8, 2002, will suffice to answer the question for which
you requested "the verbatim minutes" of the meeting.  If not, you will have
to proceed to make the request of GDOT.

Please let me know if you will pursue the latter course and send to me a
copy of your request.

Best wishes,

Dorothy Toth Beasley


5-21-08 Documents from Moreland Altobelli above


Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 07:11
To: "Buchan, Ben" <Ben.Buchan@dot.state.ga.us>,Jonathan.Cox@dot.state.ga.us,
From: Holliday Dental <teeth@mindspring.com>
Subject: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002
Cc: "Dorothy Toth Beasley" <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>,
 Carol Lystlund <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>,
 Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com>,
 Susan Hanberry Martin <shanberry@stratford.org>,
 Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu>,Alice Boyd <dmbx1@cox.net>,
 Rick Chellman <chellman@tndengineering.com>,
 "Sherri Sawyer" <ssawyer@co.bibb.ga.us>,
 "Ken Sheets" <ksheets@co.bibb.ga.us>,
 "Steve Layson" <slayson@co.bibb.ga.us>,
 "Virgil Adams" <vadams@ajtlaw.com>,
 "Shelia Thurmond" <sthurmond@co.bibb.ga.us>,
 "Tonya Davis" <tdavis@maai.net>

Dear Sirs:

During the course of our Mediation, a question has arisen concerning actions taken at a Forest Hill  Road "Stakeholders" meeting.  Bibb County and Moreland-Altobelli personnel indicate [below emails] that only GDOT has the transcript of this meeting. 

Please consider this email an Open Records Request for the verbatim minutes of the Forest Hill Rd Stakeholders meeting of May 30th, 2002. 

Please email to us the transcript of that meeting.

Also please inform us who at GDOT has the primary oversight of this project.


- The FHR Neighborhood Representatives:

- Carol Lystlund <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>
[478] 477-3389
730 Forest Hill Rd.
Macon 31210

 - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com>
o-746-5695, h-742-8699, c-335-3452
744 Forest Hill Rd.
Macon 31210

- Susan Hanberry Martin <shanberry@stratford.org>
w-477-8973 , h-474-4437
4831 Guerry Drive
Macon 31210

 - Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu>
h- 477-3875 h, w- 301-2489, 
489 Ashville Drive
Macon 31210

- Alice Boyd <dmbx1@cox.net>
540 Forest Hill Rd
Macon 31210

Subject: RE: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002
Date: Wed, 21 May 2008 12:40
From: "Sherri Sawyer" <ssawyer@co.bibb.ga.us>
To: "Holliday Dental" <teeth@mindspring.com>
Cc: "Ken Sheets" <ksheets@co.bibb.ga.us>,
         "Steve Layson" <slayson@co.bibb.ga.us>,
         "Virgil Adams" <vadams@ajtlaw.com>,
         "Shelia Thurmond" <sthurmond@co.bibb.ga.us>,
         "Tonya Davis" <tdavis@maai.net>

I just heard from Tonya at Moreland – we don’t have a copy of the minutes from the FHR Stakeholders meeting since it was held by GDOT.
I’m sure you have a contact at GDOT to ask for them, but if you have any questions, please let us know.
Sorry we couldn’t help you.
Sherrie Sawyer
Executive Assistant
Bibb County Engineering Department
780 Third Street
Macon, GA  31201-3282
Fax:  478-621-6666
-----Original Message-----
From: Holliday Dental [ mailto:teeth@mindspring.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 8:44 PM
To: Sherri Sawyer
Cc: Holliday Dental; Ken Sheets; Virgil Adams; Steve Layson; Shelia Thurmond; Tonya Davis; Dorothy Toth Beasley; teeth@mindspring.com; CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com; shanberry@stratford.org; FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu; dmbx1@cox.net; Donna Thompson
Subject: RE: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002
Ms Sawyer,
Thank-you for the progress report per our ORR.
We will need this information before proceeding to our next step in Mediation.
- The FHR Neighborhood Representatives.

At 10:50 AM 5/20/2008, Sherri Sawyer wrote:

We are in receipt of your open records request for the FHR Stakeholders Meeting minutes of 5-30-2002.
Tonya Davis
at Moreland Altobelli is in the process of getting an e-file of the minutes and will forward to you in a few days.
Sherrie Sawyer
Executive Assistant
Bibb County Engineering Department
780 Third Street
Macon, GA  31201-3282
Fax:  478-621-6666
-----Original Message-----
From: Holliday Dental [ mailto:teeth@mindspring.com]
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 8:46 AM
To: Virgil Adams; Tonya Davis; Sherri Sawyer
Cc: Dorothy Toth Beasley; teeth@mindspring.com; CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com; shanberry@stratford.org; FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu; dmbx1@cox.net; Donna Thompson
Subject: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002
To - Bibb County and Road Improvement Program

Dear Sirs:

During the course of Mediation, a question has arisen concerning actions taken at a Forest Hill  Road "Stakeholders" meeting. 

Please consider this email an Open Records Request for the verbatim minutes of the Forest Hill Rd Stakeholders meeting of May 30th, 2002. 

Please email to us the minutes of that meeting.


- The FHR Neighborhood Representatives. 


From: "Nable, Melanie" <mnable@dot.ga.gov>
To: "Cox, Jonathan" <jocox@dot.ga.gov>, Holliday Dental
        <teeth@mindspring.com>, "Buchan, Ben" <bbuchan@dot.ga.gov>, "Perry, Brigetta"
        <bperry@dot.ga.gov>, "Simmons, Jeff" <jesimmons@dot.ga.gov>, "Hasty, Charles
 A. (Chuck)" <chasty@dot.ga.gov>
CC: Dorothy Toth Beasley <beasleydt@bellsouth.net>, Carol Lystlund
        <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>, Susan Hanberry Martin
        <shanberry@stratford.org>, Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu>, Alice Boyd
        <dmbx1@cox.net>, Rick Chellman <chellman@tndengineering.com>, Sherri Sawyer
        <ssawyer@co.bibb.ga.us>, Ken Sheets <ksheets@co.bibb.ga.us>, Steve Layson
        <slayson@co.bibb.ga.us>, Virgil Adams <vadams@ajtlaw.com>, Shelia Thurmond
        <sthurmond@co.bibb.ga.us>, Tonya Davis <tdavis@maai.net>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 16:02:23 -0400
Subject: RE: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002

Please find attached the transcript from the May 29, 2002 Stakerholders Meeting for the Forest Hill project.


Thank you,




Please Note the New Email Address:



Melanie Nable


GDOT Office of Environment/Location

3993 Aviation Circle

Atlanta, GA 30336

404.699.4436 -- 404.699.4440 (f)



From: Cox, Jonathan
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 1:36 PM
To: Holliday Dental; Buchan, Ben; Perry, Brigetta; Nable, Melanie; Simmons, Jeff; Hasty, Charles A. (Chuck)
Cc: Dorothy Toth Beasley; Carol Lystlund; Susan Hanberry Martin; Dan Fischer; Alice Boyd; Rick Chellman; Sherri Sawyer; Ken Sheets; Steve Layson; Virgil Adams; Shelia Thurmond; Tonya Davis
Subject: RE: ORR - FHR Stakeholders meeting 5-30-2002


Mr. Holliday – I am cc’ing Melanie Nable on this email.  She is working on this project for me and she and I will look for this transcript tomorrow.  We should be able to scan in what we have and email your way tomorrow.


Ben Buchan’s Urban Design Staff is handling the project management from GDOT’s perspective.  I would consider Ben to have the primary oversight role.  If you have any questions, I am sure he would be more than happy to discuss.





Drawing "A"

Drawing "A"o

"Drawing, Road Program  No.6 "

Drawing #6



This webpage originates from some of the Mediators for the Friends of Forest Hill Road in Macon , Georgia.  It contains information which may be confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individuals or entity named above.  It is prohibited for anyone to disclose, copy, distribute, or use the contents of this webpage.  All personal messages are the express views of Concerned American Citizens and Taxpayers, and nothing here may be copied or distributed without their specific and individual permissions. 

If you reached this webpage or this message in error, please notify me immediately - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com> 478-742-8699 



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  Eisenhower Parkway Extension  

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