Elmo Richardson
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is an elected official representing Bibb County Commission Post #3. 

Mr Richardson Chairs the Public Works Committee for Bibb County.  He votes on Road Projects in Bibb County for which he has Financial Interests as a professional engineer and as Vice President of Stantec.

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 This is the beginning of our research to find all Bibb County Public Works Comm minutes that shows Mr Richardson voting on  Forest Hill Road issues.

Contract between Bibb County and the Department of Transportation for the acquisition of right-of-way on Forest Hill Road from Wimbish Road to Northside Drive, RIP#9.  (Joe Wood)
Mr. Wood began by saying that this is an agreement between Bibb County and GaDOT that allows GaDOT to reimburse Bibb County for the right-of-way cost on Forest Hill Road, Project #8, from Wimbish Road to Northside Drive.  He said Bibb County has partnered with GaDOT under similar agreements (Project #12 & 13) and at this time would like the Committee to authorize Chairman Bishop to sign the agreement.
Commissioner Bivins asked Mr. Wood if this item was time sensitive.
Mr. Wood said it was.
On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended that Chairman be authorized to sign the agreement. The Committee further recommended that this item be placed on the agenda for tonight’s Full Board Meeting.
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2006

Right-of-Way Agreement between Bibb County and GDOT for Forest Hill Road at Sabbath Creek, STO-3213(5), RIP #8.
Mr. Wood began by saying that approximately two (2) months ago the Committee authorized the Chairman to sign a right-of-way agreement for Forest Hill Road (RIP #8), which went from Wimbish Road to Northside Drive.  He said today’s agreement covers the bridge on Forest Hill Road over Sabbath Creek, and refers to a different funding pot than the rest of the project.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended that the Chairman be authorized to sign said agreement.  The Committee further recommended this item be placed on the agenda for tonight’s Full Board Meeting.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2006

4         Letter from Rev. Dan Edwards, St. Francis Episcopal Church, regarding the widening of Forest Hill Road
Mr. Sheets began by saying several years ago he and Van Etheridge met with Reverend Edwards to discuss his concerns regarding the median cut below being adequate for their needs.  He said GDOT is still working on the issue but it will probably be a joint use cut with the church and Forest Pointe Apartments.
On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Bivins and carried, the Committee recommended this item be removed from the Outstanding Referral list.

7         from Paul Fisher, Museum of Arts & Sciences, regarding types of light fixtures used to illuminate streets and parking lots in Bibb County
Mr. Sheets said in previous discussion the Board had expressed concerns that the County should not dictate to the Developer what kind of lighting to use, but that it may be a Planning & Zoning issue.  He continued by saying Mr. Fisher was put on the stakeholders committee for the Forest Hill Road project, which was the only project that was going anywhere close to the Museum of Arts & Sciences, and feels that Mr. Fisher was satisfied with what lighting was done in the landscape plan for Forest Hill Road.
Commissioner Richardson added that the Committee had asked Mr. Fisher to work with the developer of the shopping center across the street from the Museum, and the lighting that was to be installed there was to be in such a way that it would not interfere with the Planetarium.
On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended to remove this item from the Outstanding Referral list.


Budget Modification No. 21 of the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program

Joe Wood began by giving a summary of the Budget Modification No. 21 included in the agenda and asked if there were any questions. There were none.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended approval of Budget Modification No. 21 for the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program.


Extension Agreement between Bibb County and Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc. for Program Management for the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program.

Mr. Sheets began by saying Moreland Altobelli is gearing down the Roads Program and have only a few major projects left. He said the monthly billings to the County and Moreland Altobelli’s staff are decreasing. He continued by saying he recommends that the County extend the contract for another year.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended that the contract be extended for one year to February 2008. The Committee further recommended this item be placed on the agenda for tonight’s Full Board Meeting.


Budget Modification No. 24 for the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program.

Van Etheridge began by saying that the purpose of this budget modification was to provide funding for the Houston Avenue project. He said that no new money is being added to the Road Improvement Program. He also asked that this go before the Board for approval at tonight’s meeting.

On motion of Commissioner Hart, second of Commissioner Richardson and carried, the Committee recommended that the Budget Modification be approved and that the recommendation be presented at tonight’s Board meeting for approval.

TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2007

Budget Modification No. 25 for the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program.

Van Etheridge began by saying that this modification is to adjust the budget on 16 projects with no additional monies from the road improvement program. He said that 14 projects are being adjusted for final costs, 1 for current overruns and 1 is to extend program management. He said that program management costs for this year are only 38% of what they have been in previous years as the road improvement program scales down. He said they are shifting funds from projects completed to those projects with overruns.

Commissioner Allen asked why there were underruns in Traffic Calming and if the program has completed everything they set out to do on Traffic Calming.

Mr. Etheridge said that the underruns represent funds left over after the Traffic Calming Study was completed and the consultant was paid.

On motion of Commissioner Hart, second of Commissioner Richardson and carried, the Committee recommended that Budget Modification No. 25 be approved.


Budget Modification No. 15 for the Macon-Bibb County Road improvement Program. (Van Etheridge)

Van Etheridge began by saying Project Costs is usually determined at least four times in the life of a project. He continued by saying the first one is added to the Program and later when the concept of the project is done, then let for construction and then when it is finalized we know what all of the costs are. He said there are sixteen projects in this particular Budget Modification and are ready to be finalized budget-wise. He referred to page 6 of the Budget Modification No. 15, which is the Summary and went over the overruns and underrun of each project.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended that Budget Modification No. 15 be approved.


Right-of-Way Agreement from the Department of Transportation for Houston Avenue, Project RIP#36. (Van Etheridge)

Van Etheridge began by saying that the project covers 1.07 miles on Houston Avenue from Rocky Creek Road to Newberg Avenue, and provides for the County to acquire the necessary right-of-way for the project. He continued by saying the County would be responsible for maintaining the project until completed and to coordinate with all of the utilities for relocation and to remove any existing structures on the right-of-way.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Chairman Olmstead and carried, the Committee recommended that Chairman Olmstead be authorized to sign the right-of-way agreement.

Next, Commissioner Bishop asked if someone could update him on the meeting that was held at Stantec in reference to the Sardis Church Road Connector, which is in his district.

Ken Sheets said he didn’t attend the meeting.

Commissioner Richardson said Van Etheridge, Bob Fountain, Guy Eberhardt, Oney Hudson and he met, which was a requested meeting, to update on what was going on with the Sardis Church Road Connector. He also said Guy Eberhardt had tried to get in touch with Commissioner Bishop but he was in California.

Commissioner Bishop said he felt it was highly improper to hold a meeting like that involving his District and not include him, especially since he is Chairman of Public Works and Engineering Committee.

Chairman Olmstead asked why he was left out of the meeting.

Commissioner Richardson said Guy Eberhardt and Oney Hudson were the ones that asked if they could come and meet with them. He continued by saying they just listened to what we had to say.

Chairman Olmstead said having those kinds of meetings is how rumors get started.

Commissioner Bishop said the problem he sees is that it builds up distrust. He continued to say those kind of meetings should be scheduled in the Commissioners Office especially when major projects are being discussed.


Budget Modification No. 18 for the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program.

Van Etheridge went over the Budget Modification stating that it covers 19 projects, 16 of which are complete and budget modifications are being done to close out the project. He added that the Program Management budget is being modified to reflect the contract extension with Moreland Altobelli for the upcoming year. He also said that funding is being rearranged for the Poplar Street project.

Commissioner Richardson commented that a problem exists at the intersection of Forsyth Road and Zebulon Road and that cars southbound on Forsyth Road cannot turn onto Devonwood Drive because traffic backs up in the turn lane for Zebulon Road.

Commissioner Bishop asked if the intersection of Bass @ Rivoli was completed.

Van Etheridge said that they are still working on the landscaping.

Commissioner Bishop said that he had received a drainage complaint from a Mr. Darity at this location.

Mr. Etheridge said he would look into it.

Commissioner Richardson said the signals are not working properly and that the same situation exists at Forsyth Road & Bass Road intersection.

Mr. Etheridge continued going over the Budget Modification saying that Project No. 45 (Houston Road) was modified to settle a condemnation suit and to add landscaping money to the project.

Bill Vaughn, CAO, said that he had met with Chairman Olmstead, Finance Director Deborah Martin and Van Etheridge to go over the budget modification and that he recommends approval.

On motion of Chairman Olmstead, second of Commissioner Richardson and carried, the Committee recommended approval.

Update by Van Etheridge, Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc., on the Macon-Bibb County Road Improvement Program.

Van Etheridge gave the following report:

  • Zebulon Road and Lamar Road relocation: Est. completion date is March 2006 and consists of 3 miles paving, bridge widening, ramps and traffic lights.

  • Tucker Road – project came in over budget and is being broken down into 5 alternates and is to be rebid on November 16th.

  • Millerfield Road – completed

  • Forsyth Street – completed except a few punch list items

  • Bass @ Rivoli – erosion control, grassing and ditch work needed

  • Poplar Street – 50% complete, working in the third block now and has a completion date of March 2005. He added that landscaping will be started in November.

  • Mulberry @ Second – final inspection last Friday – punch list work needed but should be completed shortly

  • Mercer University Drive – awarded to Shepherd Construction Company for some $12 million and has a completion date of April 2006

  • Hartley Bridge Road @ I-475, Phase I – 45% complete by Reeves Construction. He said that Ph 2 is scheduled for FY2006.

Commissioner Bishop asked what is causing the delays on Log Cabin Drive at Presidential Parkway.

Mr. Etheridge said that Reeves Construction Company has that project and is way behind and into liquidated damages.

Chairman Olmstead said that the Christmas rush will soon be here and will compound the problem.

Commissioner Richardson said part of the problem is that the general contractors are all using the same sub-contractors.

Van Etheridge said that Spring 2004 was the original completion date.

Commissioner Bishop said the same problem exists on the other side of Eisenhower Parkway in front of Sam’s Club.

Mr. Etheridge continued with his report:

  • Intown Historic District Sidewalk project – 90% complete and should be through by the end of the year.

He said that the Roads Program has completed or has under contract approximately $133 million in work.

  • Sardis Church Road @ I-75 – environmental document has been resubmitted again by JJ&G and hope to hold the final public hearing by the first of 2005, with right-of-way programmed for FY2006 with the connector part in long range.

  • Jeffersonville Road project – still working on the environmental assessment and waiting to hear from the last submittal to GDOT; project in long range.

  • Northwest Parkway and Log Cabin Drive – working on scheduling stakeholders meeting after the first of the year and then we can resubmit the document again.

  • Western Loop – Kimley Horn has been working on concept for a couple of years and needs more stakeholders meetings; project in long range for right-of-way in 2009. By the first year they will be ready to go to the public with a large meeting to show the entire community what has been developed so far.

At this time, Mr. Etheridge asked for questions.

Commissioner Richardson asked what was the total funding for the program including state and federal monies.

Mr. Etheridge said that it totals over $300 million.

Commissioner Richardson said he feels it is important to note that the County took $147 million in local funds and leveraged that to more than double the amount with state and federal funding.

Chairman Olmstead said that a lot of that leverage came from a good investment made by the County when interest rates were high and it runs out the end of this year.

CAO Bill Vaughn said the County has been getting almost 6% interest for the last several years but it runs out at the end of December. He went on to say that the $115 million figure in the budget was conservative – he said they actually collected approximately $127 million and earned about $19 million in interest income.


Correspondence from Ms. Shirley Gray, 609 Forest Lake Drive, North, requesting assistance from the County in the removal of red silt from Forest Lake which she states is a result of the development of Northside Crossing on Northside Drive.

Chairman Bishop said this item was referred for information only.

Ken Sheets said he had spoken with Ms. Gray several times, even before she wrote the Board, and that this matter will probably end up in litigation. He said the Engineering Department has done an investigation and taken pictures of every angle of the lake and haven’t come up with any conclusions that there is silt in the lake. He said he would like to defer the matter until more information is available.

Commissioner Richardson said the GA EPD is investigating this as well. He said the lake is in the City - not in the unincorporated area.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended that the item be deferred until a later date

Bids received for landscaping on Houston Road, RIP#46. (Van Etheridge)

Van Etheridge began by saying bids were received on September 28th to landscape Houston Road from Sardis Church Road to Hwy 247. He said two bids were received with Mid Georgia Tractor Service being the lower at $112,496.00 and meeting the MBE goal. He said the contract has a completion date of March 1, 2006 and after that there will be a 2 year maintenance period. He said we recommend the Committee award Mid Georgia Tractor Service the contract and approve it at tonight’s Full Board Meeting if possible.

Commissioner Bivins asked if everything looked good with the contract.

Van Etheridge said yes, that he has done business with them before and they do good work.

Commissioner Richardson asked Van Etheridge to make sure the trees were not planted too close to the road.

On motion of Commissioner Hart, second of Commissioner Richardson and carried, the Committee recommended that award be made to Mid Georgia Tractor Services at the unit prices bid and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract as soon as satisfactory bonds have been furnished. The Committee further recommended this item be voted on at tonight’s Full Board Meeting.

Bids received for road improvements on Ivey Drive and College Station Drive at Macon College, RIP#66. (Van Etheridge).

Van Etheridge began by saying bids were received on September 28th for road improvements on Ivey Drive and College Station Drive at Macon College. He said this project was a joint venture with Macon College, GDOT and Bibb County with Macon College putting in $64,000, GDOT $99,000 and the Roads Program $95,000. He said there were 4 bids with quite a range of prices but the low bid is 28-34% higher than the engineer’s estimate. He continued by saying there has been a sharp rise in material prices in the last month due to increased fuel costs. He said he would recommend not awarding the contract at this time and looking for additional funding.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Commissioner Hart and carried, the Committee recommended that all bids be rejected and that the project be re-bid at a later date.


Contract documents from GADOT for Houston Avenue Road Improvements, Project RIP#36, PR000-S005-00(775) (Van Etheridge – revised second submittal – requires authorization for Chairman to sign)

Van Etheridge began by saying this is a revised contract for the Houston Avenue Road Project, Phase I, from Rocky Creek to Newberg. He continued by saying the Public Works Committee previously approved this on December 09, 2003 and GDOT sent it back with some revisions which dealt with the asphalt specifications in the contract. He continued by saying the amount of money that Bibb County is going to receive will remain unchanged at $499,991.22.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Chairman Olmstead and carried, the Committee recommended that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract documents.

Bids received for enhancements to Mulberry Street and Second Street, Project RIP#57-00-C. (Van Etheridge)

Van Etheridge began by saying on December 16, 2003, Bibb County opened bids for the project referenced above. He continued by saying the lowest bidder is Earth-Scapes, Inc. at $564,753.60. He said this project was previously let in July 2003 and the bid was $906,000.00 which makes the bid approximately $342,000.00 less this time around. He continued by saying the bid is a little bit above the Engineers’ estimate, but one of the reasons for this is this project will require a lot of night work and also has to be coordinated with the Cherry Blossom Festival and also events at the Douglas Theater. He said the MBE participation was 13% but the Contractor has agreed to get it up to the required goal of 20% if he is awarded the contract. He continued by saying Earth-Scapes, Inc. headquarters are in Phoenix, AL and this is the first job they have been awarded with the Roads Program. He said they have done similar projects in communities throughout the State of Georgia and we checked with the owners of those projects and they gave favorable reports of the contractor’s performance.

Commissioner Richardson asked if any money would have to be transferred.

Van Etheridge said no.

On motion of Commissioner Richardson, second of Chairman Olmstead and carried, the Committee recommended that award be made to Earth-Scapes, Inc. at the unit prices bid totaling $564,753.60 and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract as soon as satisfactory bonds have been furnished.

MORE to COME....

Subject: Elmo's Eng Comm files with "Forest"
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go to - CAUTION Macon     Forest Hill Rd     Elmo Richardson