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TO:                        Judge Dorothy Beasley


FROM:                  Van Etheridge


SUBJECT:            Forest Hill Road Mediation


DATE:                   3/6/2008


At the close of the first day of mediation, we agreed to further consider and research item 2 and item 1 as it related to item 2 only.  We have spent considerable time and effort studying and analyzing this proposed typical section.  For clarification purposes, we have redrawn the Residents sketch and have labeled it Resident’s Drawing No. 1.  A copy is attached for your review.


The problems that our group saw with the proposed typical sections are as follows:


1.              It does not provide any level of safety to the 85 private driveways that front on Forest Hill Road and need to make a left turn.


2.              It may, in fact, increase the risk to drivers waiting to make a left turn when drivers in their rear try to pass them on the right side on this narrow 5’ wide shoulder.


3.              The 32’ pavement width is not wide enough to provide a safe left turn lane at the street intersection.


4.              At the 15 street intersections, only 6 left turn lanes can be squeezed in.  This would leave 9 intersections with no left turn protection at all.


Due to the above, we do not think Resident’s Drawing No. 1 would increase the safety for the 11,220 drivers traveling this section of Forest Hill Road everyday and therefore must reject the proposal.


However, in the spirit of mediation, we would like for you to consider an alternate typical section that we think might be a compromise.  First we are attaching County Drawing No. 2, which is the typical section that is approved for the three lane section of Forest Hill Road.  Next is the compromise drawing which is labeled County Drawing No. 3.


A comparison of the three drawings is as follows:


Drawing No.

Foot Print


No. Lanes

Pavement Width

Shoulder Width

Residents No. 1





County’s No. 2





County’s No. 3






As you can see, the difference between Resident’s No. 1 and County’s No. 3 (compromise) footprint is only 4 feet.  The difference in pavement width is only 4 feet.  The width of the shoulder is the same (10’).  Both have 6” wide header curb instead of 2.5’ wide curb and gutter.  We think the community impact of these two drawings would be very similar. 


Your consideration and response to County Drawing No. 3 is requested.


Please distribute this information to the Resident Representatives as soon as possible.


Please remember that any changes of this magnitude would have to be approved by our partner GDOT and the Bibb County Commissioners.


Also, at the first mediation meeting, it was brought to our attention that the placing of overhead utilities underground on the four lane section from Forsyth Road to Wimbish Road might be undesirable to the community.  If this is the case, we will try to work with you on this.  Time is of the essence in this matter since the power, telephone and cable companies are already working on the plans to relocate underground.  Let us know as soon as possible.



Thanks. This is just for the mediator because normally a notice of the mediation is sent to all parties by the mediator.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 2:23 PM
Subject: FHR neighborhood representatives addresses

Mr Adams,
I would much prefer all communication via email for myself.
Below here are the requested postal addresses.
- Lindsay

- Carol Lystlund <CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>
730 Forest Hill Rd.
Macon 31210

 - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com>
744 Forest Hill Rd.
Macon 31210

- Susan Hanberry Martin <shanberry@stratford.org>
4831 Guerry Drive
Macon 31210

 - Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu>
489 Ashville Drive
Macon 31210

- Alice Boyd <dmbx1@cox.net>
540 Forest Hill Rd
Macon 31210

At 05:00 PM 1/31/2008, you wrote:
Will you provide me mailing addresses so I can forward all of the contact information to the mediator?
Virgil Adams
----- Original Message -----
From: Holliday Dental
To: Virgil Adams
Cc: - Carol Lystlund ; - Lindsay Holliday - Susan Hanberry Martin ; - Dan Fischer ; - Alice Boyd ; - Lee Martin ; - Stella Tsai ; - John Mullis
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: FHR meeting 1-29-08 selects neighborhood representatives

Dear Mr Adams, 

Forest Hill Neighbors and Friends met 2 days ago at St Francis Church to choose representatives for the Mediation.
The meeting is summarized here:

We chose 5 people.  One of us could serve as an "alternate" if the Judge will not seat more than 4 of us at the table.

Our choices to represent us during Mediation are listed here with their emails: 
- Carol Lystlund < CLystlund@AtlanticSouthernBank.com>,
- Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com>
- Susan Hanberry Martin <shanberry@stratford.org >,
- Dan Fischer <FISCHER_DP@Mercer.edu >,
- Alice Boyd <dmbx1@cox.net>,  {alternate}

- Lindsay

Dr. Holliday:
In response to your questions:
1. Not to my knowledge.
2. Letters were sent to owners of property on Forest Hill Road since the Board limited the mediation to Forest Hill Road property owners. Of course anyone can attend the initial session. I believe some additional letters were sent yesterday to those owning property abutting Forest Hill Road that may not have been included initially. If that has not been given to you I will ask Janice Ross to do so.
3. Explained above.
Virgil Adams
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 2:54 PM
Subject: ORR - Forest Hill Rd - Mediation

To: Virgil Adams Bibb County Attorney
Re: Forest Hill Rd - Mediation:

Dear Mr Adams,
This is an Open Records Request for the following information:

1- Are the Bibb County Commissioners planning to attend this Mediation? 

2-  Why were letters sent to addresses (on the webpage) which are outside of the Project Area?

3- Why were letters not sent to addresses on numerous side streets who's property is within the Construction Zone of the Project Area?

Thank you,
- Lindsay


This webpage originates from some of the Mediators for the Friends of Forest Hill Road in Macon , Georgia.  It contains information which may be confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individuals or entity named above.  It is prohibited for anyone to disclose, copy, distribute, or use the contents of this webpage.  All personal messages are the express views of Concerned American Citizens and Taxpayers, and nothing here may be copied or distributed without their specific and individual permissions. 

If you reached this webpage or this message in error, please notify me immediately - Lindsay Holliday <teeth@mindspring.com> 478-742-8699 



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  Eisenhower Parkway Extension  

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